Browse Items (87 total)

An improved edition of a map of the surveyed parts of the Territory of Michigan

Covers southern Michigan.
Insets: Map of the Straits of Michillimackinac. -- Map of Pte. Ste. Ignace. -- Map of the most important parts of the lead mine district near the Mississippi River. -- Map of the private claims at Green Bay -- Map of…

“Better Flowers and Better Vegetables Easily Leads to the Subject of Better People”: Back Down the Garden Paths of Progressive Era Reform in Grand Rapids, Michigan

The historiography of school gardening in the United States has few contributions. The works that exist draw heavily from official documents and other primary sources which tell the story from an institutional point of view and are mainly outside the…

We Wish to be Civilized: Ottawa-American Political Contests on the Michigan Frontier

This ethnohistorical work examines the process of Ottawa adaptation
from a world system perspective. Following the lead of Richard White,
Carol Smith, James Scott, and Sherry Ortner it analyzes the Ottawa mode
of production as a key mechanism by…

Letter from Grand Rapids Federation of Women's Clubs asking for South Market.

This letter was written with the support of "six thousand women" for a market in the southern part of the city.

Petition to move the market from Campau Park

CC 10085.pdf
This is a petition by thirty neighbors to move the South Market from Campau Park to the Truant School Ground

Michico Grapes

Fruit Label

Leonard Coalter Peach Wagon, 1911, Grand Rapids Wholesale Market

This is a photo of Leonard Coalter's wagon which he drove to the Grand Rapids Wholesale Market to sell peaches. The acetylene spotlight on the front of the wagon was mentioned in a newspaper article on September 19, 1913.

Petition for Grand Rapids South Retail Market

Petition for Grand Rapids South Retail Market
This is a petition signed by over 130 neighbors, employees, and business owners around South Division Avenue asking for a retail farmers market. The city of Grand Rapids had just purchased land for a market in the northern part of the city after a…

Letter written by Emily Chamberlin for the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense asking for South Market

This is a letter written by Emily Chamberlin on behalf of the WCCND arguing that markets will help with the war effort.