The History of the French-Ottawa Alliance, 1613-1763

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The History of the French-Ottawa Alliance, 1613-1763


Political Economy of Western Michigan


This dissertation seeks to establish the nature of the relationship between the
French and the Ottawa Nation of northern Lake Huron in the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries. The enquiry is pursued through the study of the Lake Huron
environment, Ottawa culture, and an examination of the interests of both groups over
a period of one hundred and fifty years. Through the use of a wide body of evidence
- French and Ottawa texts, correspondence from the posts in the Upper Great Lakes
to Quebec and from Canada to France, the Jesuit Relations, archaeological reports,
and cartographical materials - the ways in which the Ottawas and the French sought
to identify their common interests, and the ways in which they attempted to protect
their individual interests, are brought to light. This dissertation presents a view of
the Ottawa Nation quite unlike the traditional depiction of them as middlemen in the
fur trade and different from their more recent portrayal as refugees. The Ottawas
inhabited the relatively rich area of the transitional forest which provided more
economic opportunities than those to the north or south. The Ottawas were able to
build on the strengths of their economy throughout the period of their alliance with
the French and were able to incorporate French forces into the defence of the region.
For their part, the French were pleased to have the support of an influential ally and
they supported Ottawa dominion in the area of the pays d'en haut. Ottawa power
was based on their ability to control the accesses to Lake Huron and the French forts
at these gateways were used to enhance this ability


William James Newbigging


University of Toronto








William James Newbigging, “The History of the French-Ottawa Alliance, 1613-1763,” Agroecology of Western Michigan, accessed September 19, 2024,